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My new book, "The Physics of Gravitation" is about to be published
This book offers an appraisal of where we stand with a theory of gravitation. Newton's theory is cast in the general form of conics, and their relation to aberrancy. The genius of Newton led him to place the source at one of the foci. This implied that the second derivative of the curve was constant, and led, immediately, to his inverse-square law. Only in this case does the inverse-square law apply. This allows us to generalize to other central force laws. Conics are to planetary orbits what Cassini ovals are to binary stars. The leminiscate is known as the Roche lobe. Conics and tori with eccentricities other than one, lead to corrections in the force law involving higher inverse powers. Once we go beyond the second moment, new conservations laws appear in velocity space. The flat rotational curves of galaxies can be explained in velocity space where the modified acceleration leads to a slower decay than configuration space. Numerical relativity has transformed general relativity into a Le Sage-type theory which makes it refutable.