Dialogue Concerning the two Chief Systems of the World
Gravity & Quantum Theory
Almost four centuries have passed since Galileo's publication of Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo. In that time the Universe has expanded and, so too, our concepts of it. In Galileo's time it was the Ptolemyan versus Coperican theories that was at the center of discussion, while today it is the unharnessed extrapolation of General Relativity to include quantum theory, and theories it was never meant to incorporate. Instead of looking for new avenues to develop, the General Relativity has been pushed well beyond its limits of validity.
The juxtaposition of Megalos vs Mikos risks to endanger all our known principles of science. Numerical simulations push General Relativity beyond its limitations, and introduces science-fiction into a realm that was purely scientifically based, and advanced technologies have been developed to declare that the known principles have been superceded allowing a whole host of scientifc fictional phenomena to enter. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is said to have been tamed by these new technologies It's like having the answer in hand and searching for the question, instead of age-old approach of first discovering the phenomenon, and then looking for the scientific explanation,
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